Frequently asked questions

Uploaded video content will be reviewed by at least two independent experts in your field. Though you will remain responsible for the submitted work, they will check the quality, educational value, scientific integrity and patient anonymity.
Patients should provide informed consent prior to the procedure. MedPEERS does not allow the use of patient-identifiable data. For more information, please have a look at our privacy policy.
MedPeers implements rigorous security measures to protect patients’ personal and medical data and adheres to strict (inter)national security standards. Please find more information on our security and auditing page.
MedPeers believes healthcare professionals are able to produce high quality and educational video content themselves. We have some tips and tricks to help you out, please have a look at our how to make a video guide.
Please find instructions on how to upload your video content on our upload page.
MedPeers is exclusively accessible to verified and licensed healthcare professionals.
Please contact the MedPeers editorial office at
No, if changes to your uploaded video content are required please contact the MedPeers editorial office ( for the removal of the initial version and make sure to upload the updated version.
The main intent of the MedPeers platform is to educate health care professionals all over the globe. To keep improving and expanding MedPeers relies on user donations and grants as well as early investors. If you’re interested, please send an email to
For all other questions, please get in touch via

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